Thursday, August 7, 2008

Objective Information About the Person You Love and Everything You Care About in Your Dreams!

Since the dreams about the person you love are so simple, precisely because they are so important for you, I decided to make an e-book especially in order to illustrate you how easy it is to interpret dreams about the most important person for you.

I have told you many times in my articles that you can utterly belief the information you receive in dream messages because the unconscious wisdom exists beyond any hesitation, but I'm sure that you don't accept as true me.

This is why I'm giving you evidence, using my own example and my tragic destiny in love, in order to show you how I was saved from schizophrenia only because I didn't fall into the ambush of the wild anti-conscience that provokes craziness to the human scruples using all methods, especially deception in love.

I precisely obeyed the guidelines I was receiving in dreams and this is why I could escape from craziness and misery.

You'll also see paradigms of dreams from contributors that participated in my summer bid and sent me their dreams and biographies so that I could interpret their dreams, using their example to teach the others through my e-book.

I'm going to share all the information I boast, because I received many dissimilar dreams, and the scientific method of dream analysis can help the human being in very many ways. So, I first alienated the dreams about the person we love, which are very clear and can be implicit by anyone.

Of course, the summer hasn't over yet and you may send me your dreams for free professional dream analysis too. Your dreams will belong to the next e-book I'm writing, so that I may verify to everyone how dream interpretation according to the scientific method can help them in all fields.

Dreams concerning the person you love are very obvious and you can appreciate them, many times with no any translation. If you learn the meaning of the essential symbols that are related to love matters, you'll be able to easily construe all dreams about the person you love, devoid of complication.

The same doesn't occur with other kinds of dreams, though. All the other dreams we see when we sleep are mystified and must be translated, since the unconscious mind uses a symbolic idiom to show to the human part of our conscience what is happening inside us and how we can defend our human side as of the attacks of the wild anti-conscience.

The symbolic idiom is essential, otherwise our foe would learn the unconscious directions too and we wouldn't have any defense against the anti-conscience.

In the past this conversion was too complicated and time consuming. Thanks to my research however, since continuing Carl Jung's work, today you can simply learn how to interpret the dream language, and have specific and objective information about anything that interests you.

You can begin learning how toward interpret the simple dreams about love matters if you prefer, as soon as my e-book becomes ready for sale, but I'm helping you more, because this e-book will be a bonus for another e-book, that will give you indispensable guidance so that you may escape from tragic destinies in love, depression and graver mental illnesses, by learning how to find out who is the right person for you, before getting involved with the wrong person.

You'll determine first of all that you have a guardian inside you, giving you commands all the time about all matters of your life, the same way that you have an opponent inside you: the anti-conscience.

It is up to you if you let the primeval beast that exists in your wild side annihilate your humanity, or if you'll follow the guidelines of the natural doctor that generates your dreams, so that you may turn out to be a wise and self-confident human being.

Prevent Depression and Craziness through the scientific method of Dream Interpretation discovered by Carl Jung and simplified by Christina Sponias, a writer who continued Jung's research in the unknown region of the human psychic sphere.

Click here and download your copy of the Free ebook

Beating Depression and Craziness

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